Wednesday, July 23, 2008 

How To Download Your Movies To Your iPod

Media junkies, tech geeks, and casual music and cinema fans the world over are constantly searching for a new, more efficient way to acquire and entertain themselves with as much music and movies as humanly possible. Gone, unfortunately are the days of Napster and other primal search engines that allowed every college underclassman to seamlessly infiltrate an Internet stuffed like a turkey with smorgasbord music, movies and media items, and allow them to listen or view on their own computer.

Since then, the invention of the MP3 player, namely the iPod has taken over the world. Millions upon millions of people who have turned to this medium for the convenience of entertainment on-the-go, still face the same problem of where to acquire such media. With the large number of peer-to-peer file sharing programs turning into pay services, things get hairy pretty quickly unless you're independently wealthy. The cost of downloading (without walking a thin line with the RCAA) and especially buying the necessary software can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

What's more, there are websites out there who offer free downloads, but neglect to mention the awesome bonus prize of sending out an invasion force of spy-ware and Trojans to attack your systems as if they were the Mexican Army and your computer was the Alamo. I have tried various services within the vast scope of the internet who offer "free downloads" or "unlimited downloads," most of them, with 100% flawed results. In this day in age the amount of people who are practically foaming at the mouth to rip you off leave me flabbergasted.

Recently, a buddy of mine turned me onto yet another type of download service, but this time it was a bit different. Most download sites will charge you per download or per month, but there are a select few that give you lifetime memberships. For us media junkies, that is a great thing to hear. All the content you want for one price. With the amount I use my iPod, I definitely wanted new content at the push of a button. Some of these sites offer music, movies, videos, and even TV shows as soon as you hear about them, and even whole albums and TV series. At first, I was very skeptical because of my past history with these services, but it seemed like I found a winner finally.

Make sure you do your research though and read the fine print. Not all of these one-time-fee sites are great. Don't fall into the trap of sites that offer a lifetime fee, and promise you content that they don't even offer without an "extra" fee. There are lots of articles and message boards out there that review these types of sites, so make sure you check them out first.

I've been building my library for the past week now, and I have everything I could ever think I wanted, and then some, all for a low one time fee. My commute to work seems more entertaining than ever, and now I've even turned my friends into iPod owners just because of services like these.

I highly recommend My iPod Downloads for the best iPod content. This site is so cheap and so easy to use that everyone I know with an iPod is using it. With over 800,000 customers and 100,000,000 media files, you have to take my word for it, you will not be disappointed.

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VPN Over Satellite

Satellite Internet services offer high speed Internet connections to offices and homes across the US. The connections are fast and comparable to broadband, DSL and cable modem. The transponders used for transmitting the signals are placed at a distance of 22,300 miles above the equator. The time required for a signal to cover the two-way distance is approximately 480 milliseconds and it is known as latency time. There is another latency time between the network operations center and the World Wide Web. These two time factors add to a total latency time of around 600 milliseconds from the time the signal emits from the dish to the time it is received back at the dish. This is known as the ping time. The ping time causes delay hence, Satellite Internet is not considered suitable for many real-time applications. We shall see some of the drawbacks that are caused by ping time delays.

As a home user if you want to play online games Satellite Internet may not be the ideal option. Setting-up virtual private networks (VPN) through Satellite Internet is not a viable proposition. There are many new technologies being developed to overcome the delay in ping times. One such technology is RELIA technology which has pending US patents. This technology overcomes long ping times and packet loss, improving the performance and reliability of Satellite Internet services. The technology has been developed by Niwot Networks. Apart from ping time delays there are factors such as packet loss which hamper the quality of Satellite Internet communication. RELIA helps in reducing ping time and packet delays that happen if data and voice packets are transmitted over naked TCP.

There is reason for Satellite Internet users to be glad. The tests carried out with this new technology prove that RELIA will definitely help Satellite Internet providers in reducing ping time. In one particular test carried out with 10 files of 1 Mb, losing 8 packets out of 200 with 600 milliseconds ping time, the naked TCP connections failed 72 out of 133 trials before all the files were transferred which is 63%. When RELIA technology was used the failure time was only 7%. It would not be surprising to see that leading Satellite Internet providers such as HughesNet using this technology over naked TCP to reduce ping times.

Satellite Internet subscribers have to wait for faster browsing experience until technologies are stabilized. There are companies which make gateways for Satellite Internet providers to handle packet delay and loss. Satellite Internet providers are weighing different options to offer better browsing experience to subscribers. HughesNet, one of the leading service providers has 325,000 connections presently across the United States and serves 99% of all US zip codes. The numbers prove that Satellite Internet is slowly catching up and it would not be long before it captures more market share from other service providers offering DSL, broadband and cable modem connectivity.

HughesNet offers high speed Satellite Internet to rural areas where DSL and Cable modem do not reach.

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